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Terms of Use

This website is created, designed and provided by OneUs Travels. This page outlines the terms of use under which you may access this site. Please read these terms of use carefully. If you do not agree to these terms, do not use this site. By using this site, you signify your acceptance of these terms of use.

You must use this site only for lawful purposes and in a responsible and cooperative manner. Any breach of these terms will result in legal action against you. You must not:

  • Use another's personal information, including name, login details, or password, without permission.

  • Make any fraudulent, speculative, or false inquiries, bookings, reservations, or requests using the site.

  • Use the site while impersonating another person.

  • Post or transmit to or via the site any unlawful, threatening, defamatory, libelous, obscene, indecent, inflammatory, or pornographic material, or any material that could give rise to civil or criminal proceedings.

  • Tamper with, hinder the operation of, or make unauthorized modifications to the site.

  • Delete data from the site without our permission.

  • Knowingly transmit any virus or other disabling feature to the site.

  • Breach any third party's rights (including intellectual property rights and obligations of confidentiality owed to third parties) or infringe any laws in any jurisdiction in using this site.

  • Frame this site as part of another site or cache this site for commercial benefit.

  • 1Commit any act that may amount to a criminal offense or civil breach of any other jurisdiction.

  • Attempt to do any of the above acts.

  • Knowingly permit another person to do any of the above acts.

Intellectual Property

  • The material contained on this site, including (without limitation) the software, design, text, and graphics (including trademarks) comprised in this site and the selection and layout of this site, are owned or licensed by us and are protected by local and international intellectual property laws, including copyright.

  • You may use the site only for your private purposes. Except as permitted by relevant copyright legislation, you must not use, copy, modify, transmit, store, publish, or distribute the material on the site, or create any other material using material on the site, without obtaining our prior written consent.

  • Trademarks (whether registered or unregistered) and logos must not be used or modified in any way without obtaining our prior written consent.

  • The site, including trademarks, service marks, business names, company names, logos, trade names, get-up (trade dress), products, technology, and processes contained in this site may be the subject of other intellectual property rights owned by us or by third parties. No license is granted in respect of those intellectual property rights other than as set out in these terms of use. Your use of this site must not in any way infringe the intellectual property rights of any person in any jurisdiction.


  • We may link our site to other sites on the web. We are not required to maintain or update these links. These links are provided for your convenience only and do not imply that we have reviewed these sites or endorse them. We are not responsible for the content of other sites, even if we link to them, and we are not recommending these sites or their products or services to you.

  • We make no warranties and accept no liability if you suffer any loss or damage in relation to material contained on external sites or using another's products or services.

Your Warranties


  • 1. You are of sufficient legal age to use this site and create legally binding obligations for any liability you may incur as a result of using this site.

  • 2. You are responsible (financially and otherwise) for all uses of this site by you and those using this site with your login details, including your password.

  • 3. The information you supply via the site will be accurate and not misleading, deceptive, or likely to mislead or deceive.


  • We will handle your personal information in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in our Privacy Policy


  • Our rights under these terms of use may be waived only in writing and specifically.

  • These terms of use shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with Indian law, and each party submits irrevocably to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Indian Courts.

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